打个酱油卖个萌 发表于 2018-3-17 16:11:18


对于初学服装设计的学生来说,如果没有入门级的师傅进行传授,自学书籍的引导往往是至关重要的,那么,这些书籍通常是如何选择的呢?选择什么样的书籍更适合基础差的学生,美艺导师罗列出一些适合服装设计学生看的书籍,以便学生能够更快地了解到服装设计这个专业。服装解析与缝制类《Couture Sewing Techniques》作者:Claire B. Shaeffer出版社:Taunton Press Inc; New edition语言:英文简介:His is a new title from the author of the bestselling "Couture Sewing Techniques". It provides the techniques and knowledge to create garments with true designer professionalism. Couture industry-insider Claire Shaeffer offers home sewers the techniques and knowledge to create garments with true designer professionalism. This book and DVD set contains a complete workshop in the fitting and tailoring sewing secrets of professional designers, the same curriculum that has made Shaeffer's in-person classes smash-hit sell-outs. The DVD offers an in-depth tailoring workshop with Shaeffer and the book presents the class in printed form, along with intriguing details about the couture garments shown and information on the construction methods used by such renowned designers such as Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga and more.http://p9.pstatp.com/large/56810004332d627fa58f《The Burda Style Sewing Handbook》作者: Nora Abousteit with Alison Kelly出版社:Potter Craft; 1 Spi edition (November 1, 2011)语言:英文简介:"The BurdaStyle Sewing Handbook" is the most comprehensive, hip and creative guide to learning to sew clothes with style. With more than 430,000 members around the world, BurdaStyle is the largest online community of sewing enthusiasts, fashion designers and DIYers. In their first book, BurdaStyle celebrates this vibrant, global时尚插画类《时装设计效果图手绘表现技法》作者:唐伟,刘琼,曹罗飞出版社:人民邮电出版社语言:中文内容简介:《时装设计效果图手绘表现技法》从时装画与服装设计手稿对服装企业产品开发的重要性谈起,然后详细讲解了男性、女性和儿童人体的比例结构、动态选择和服装整体着装表现,并细致分析了服装企业设计师们常见的服装款式图绘制方法及具体步骤。除此之外,还讲解了服装常见面料的表现与服装款式整体搭配上色表现的技法。书中在完成了对品牌服装设计手稿的分类及分析阐述的同时,展示了品牌服装企业在设计过程中的真实案例。既可以作为专业服装设计院校培养服装设计师的专业教材用书,也可以作为广大服装设计从业者的学习参考用书。《美国时装设计学院时装设计师手绘表现技法—服装与着色技巧》作者:米歇尔.维森布.莱恩特出版社:广西美术出版社语言:中文内容简介:“对所有想提高素描和插画技巧的时装设计师来说,本书都是一个理想的教程。”——托尼·格兰维尔,伦敦时装学院本书对想提高技能的时装素描学生和设计师来说是一本全面实用的指导。采用现代教学方法,配有大量插画,提供步骤详细的必要指导,让读者能够形成自己的插画风格。• 过去100年*设计师和插画师的作品展示• 涵盖所有时装素描领域,提供了给不同面料着色的各种方法• 服装细节的术语图解,以及大量专业词汇、资源和延伸阅读列表• 620幅插画纺织品面料介绍及应用类The Mood Guide to Fabric and Fashion:The Essential Guide from the World's Most Famous Fabric Store》作者:Mood Designer Fabric出版社:Harry N.Abrams(September 1,2015)语言:英文简介:"Designers, we're going to Mood!" Over 10 years ago, Tim Gunn and Project Runway introduced millions of viewers to New York's ultimate fabric mecca, Mood Fabrics. Now, the experts behind this fabric powerhouse bring their fabric and fashion know-how--plus their behind-the-scenes stories--to the sewing public. The Mood Guide to Fabric and Fashion is the ultimate guide for home-sewers, fashion students, aspiring designers and Project Runway fans who want to learn everything they need to know to choose and use quality fabric. Drawing upon the expertise of the Mood staff, the book teaches readers the fundamentals--from where fabric is produced to the ins and outs of its construction--and features a fabric guide to cottons and other plant fibres, wools, silks, knits and other specialty fabrics.《Complete Pleats: Pleating Techniques for Fashion, Architecture and Design 》作者:Paul Jackson出版社:Laurence King Publishing; Har/DVD edition (October 6, 2015)语言:英文简介:Suitable for anyone wishing to create and make pleats, this book explains how pleating systems can be stretched, compressed, flared, skewed, multiplied and mirrored, showing how from simple ideas, a huge number of original pleat forms can be created.制版类《中道友子魔法立体剪裁 》1-4本作者:中道友子语言:中文简介:中道友子-日本文化服装学院教授,她美轮美奂的魔法立裁被各位业界人士交口称赞。令人瞠目结舌的想象力,精湛的技术把创意融合到立裁,组合成耳目一新的造型。整个系列,所有的裁剪都基于一个书中的一个基本模块。彻底地一步步说明和图表解释,确保您可以将自己的想法装换成心水的服装,成衣的照片会激发读者创作自己的服装的欲望。《实用服装制版技法》作者:林彬,胡荣编出版社:中国轻工业出版社(有2本,一个基础篇,一个提高篇)语言:中文简介:本书从人体工学和人体测量人手,全面系统地介绍了服装结构设计原理和构成方法;对衣身、衣领、衣袖结构的种类和设计要素进行分析;并以人体体型特征为基础,结合大量实例,详尽阐述了下装中裙、裤的结构设计变化,以及男、女装的款式造型特点和整体结构设计。

兰兰 发表于 2019-3-18 19:57:16

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查看完整版本: 从入门级书本入手,一步步攻下服装设计!