所以一直想说,剪裁,廓形,解构,细节,工艺,面料,颜色的选择这都是灵感的一部分,衣服不是凭空想出来的,也不是一个故事几张灵感图就能概括的了得,我不相信Raf Simons看到个图片就知道衣服改怎么做了,而更认同设计师在思考灵感的初期一定是将这些元素一起考虑的。(说道RAF突然想到有部被说烂了的纪录片《DIOR AND I》倒是挺直观可以看到他们是怎么工作的)
"It’s like what happens at the end of a dinner, when objects get mixed up on the table. So the still life translation is more abstract/random." – Marie Valogneson on Noir Kei Neinomiya
"The elements of the whole look seemed to all be part of each other, like a whole sentence expressed with just the one symbol." – Marie Valognesonon on Yohji Yamamoto
"Here, I was inspired by the contrast between the top and bottom, and the oddity of the one sleeve doing it’s own thing independently from the rest of the top." – Marie Valogneson on Vetements
Artwork by Mise En / Rick Owens A/W16
"Here, I went for the graphics: vichy patterns and colour combinations, which inspired a 'hairdressing on the kitchen table' composition" – Marie Valognes on Marques'Almeida